This Samsung HDTV gave me an amazing experience since the time I bought it and installed it in my living room. It has best sound and color I have even noticed with any HD LCD TV. This TV has everything excellent about it whether it is picture, sound or delivery service. It is a really stylish looking and nice TV and the red color is visible under bright lighting conditions. As I have a modern type of home, this product has easily and perfect blended into the interior of my home and has given a new touch of class to my home.
The AMP feature of the TV brings realism to the film and makes it seem livelier. The pictures have great color and depth when watched from any angle, and this feature greatly adds to its immersion effect. It has a super clear panel, 4 HDMI inputs, full HD 1080 pixel resolution, touch of color bezel and 120 hz auto motion plus. As its size is 50.2 x 4.1 x 31.7 inches, it is a great TV adding a touch of class and sophistication to my living room. As it is only 66.4 pounds in weight, it is easy to carry and I found no difficulty in installing it in my room. Made with the best technologies, it has enhanced connectivity, unparalleled quality of picture and network capability to create true entertainment to my home. I really enjoy the JPEG and MPEG files stored on the external devices as I can do this connecting it to a USB 2.0.
Samsung is a great TV manufacturer and thanks to it for coming up with such a great LCD HDTV. The light diffusing face of plastic of the HDTV has been replaced with natural black panel which has a clean anti-glare shield. Reduction in reflection of the light has enhanced its image clarity as it highlights dark and black colors and enables vibrant and brighter colors to give a clear picture.